Livestock Price Insurance
About Cattle Price Insurance
Every type of beef operation faces price, basis and currency risk, however based on the product being produced and marketed the producer is impacted differently by each. To provide adequate protection, each of the three cattle insurance programs is designed to target a different stage of production. For more information, click here.
Premiums & Settlements
Calendar of Insurance
Market Information
LPI Workpad
Benefits of Livestock Price Insurance
Against volatility in the marketplace.
Protect your bottom line
Manage the risk of falling prices in the market.
Simple and easy to understand
Market-driven, flexible and coverage based on current market conditions.
Products are there for every aspect of the beef production chain and for hog price protection.

Livestock Price Insurance for calves is intended for calves born in the spring and sold in the fall. Producers can tailor coverage by purchasing price insurance for intended marketings from September to December.

Livestock Price Insurance for feeder cattle is intended for backgrounded animals. Producers can tailor coverage to their operation by purchasing price insurance for intended marketings year-round.

Livestock Price Insurance - Fed program is intended animals intended for slaughter and expected to Grade A or better. It is market-driven and coverage offered directly reflects the fed cattle market.